20 February 2024
The AFGC has released the Food and Grocery Export Growth Strategy which identifies the opportunities and policy recommendations required to deliver the export growth needed to double the size of the Australian food and grocery (AFG) sector by 2030.
The Sustaining Australia Food and Grocery Manufacturing 2030 report, released in 2020, laid down the vision to double the size of the sector by 2030. The report set a target of $112 billion for food and grocery exports by 2030 and recommended developing an export growth strategy that aims to deliver the growth. Since the release of the report, the global pandemic, geopolitics, and supply chain challenges severely impacted the ability of the Australian food and grocery sector to grow exports.
Opportunity exists to recover and grow exports by resilient demand from top trading partners led by rising middle-income populations and urbanisation. Consumer mega trends like health and wellness, sustainability, personalisation, and convenience offer an opportunity to export innovative products to meet future demand.
The Food and Grocery Export Growth Strategy sets out a plan to achieve the 2030 goal through:
The export strategy was developed in discussion with the AFGC International Trade Advisory Committee, and with the professional expertise from the Australian Centre for International Trade and Investment (ACITI).
Members can download the Food and Grocery Export Growth Strategy from the member portal.
Please contact Shalini Valecha, Associate Director – Industry Affairs for further information.