3 February 2025
The Nutrition and Regulation (N&R) Committee is one of six AFGC Standing Committees. These Committees provide advice and recommendations on relevant issues to assist the AFGC meet its strategic objectives.
The N&R Committee’s full complement comprises 15 members on three-year terms, with the option for members to renominate at the end of their term.
Committee members are appointed for their expertise and experience in technical matters relevant to the food and grocery industry rather than being representatives of their companies. They are, however, expected to draw upon their role within their company to assist in contributing effectively to the committee’s activities.
The AFGC seeks a committee that is balanced in terms of the size of the company, product categories covered and regions from which the members are drawn. Members are expected to hold senior technical roles in their companies enabling them to provide clear positions on relevant matters of importance to the industry thus contributing to efficient decision-making of the committee.
The N&R Committee is serviced by the Nutrition & Regulation Division of the AFGC Secretariat. It meets four times a year, usually in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.
If you wish to be considered for membership of the committee, please forward an Expression of Interest to the AFGC Secretariat ( comprising:
People who expressed an interest in the previous call last year are welcome to re-submit, as are current Committee members who have come to the end of their 3-year terms.
Expressions of Interest will be circulated to current members of the N&R Committee seeking their feedback prior to decision by the AFGC Secretariat. We seek to finalise the appointment process prior the Committee’s meeting in May 2025.
We therefore request Expressions of Interest to be forwarded by COB Friday 28 February 2025.
For more information on any aspects of the activities of the Committee and its membership please contact Dr Duncan Craig, Director, Nutrition & Regulation (
Dr Duncan Craig
Director, Nutrition & Regulation