17 September 2024
The NSW Government has released NSW Plastics: The Way Forward – a plan to reduce problematic and single-use plastic. The proposal focusses on:
The AFGC seeks feedback from members on the proposed actions. Actions with direct impact to members is summarised in the table below.
By end 2025 | By end 2027 | By end 2030 |
Phase out plastic lollipop sticks Explore options for transparency in litter data and consider publishing brand data Consider litter reduction targets for brands of highly littered plastic items | Require anti-littering labels and the ARL on single-serve condiment packages | Require single-serve condiment packages to be recyclable, supported by a co-design roadmap for circularity Require plastic lids to be tethered to return and earn-eligible plastic bottles <600ml, and coordinate with other states and territories to ensure CDS across Australia accept them |
By end 2025 | By end 2027 |
Phase out the supply of plastics with pro-degradant additives (oxo-, photo-, and landfill-degradable plastics) Phase out plastic microbeads from all cleaning products | Publish a green list of chemicals for food packaging that can be used below certain thresholds Publish a red list of chemicals for food packaging with a proposed phase out within specified timeframes Support increased chemical testing capacity for packaging in NSW Introduce a voluntary chemical certification and labelling scheme for food packaging, to be made mandatory in five years |
By end 2025 | By end 2030 |
Adopt WA’s approach to phase out the supply of food trays, loose-fill packaging, and moulded or cut packaging made of expanded and foamed plastic Require plastic shopping bags to be stored out of sight at the point of purchase and only provided on request, unless they are clearly designed for reuse or are part of an EPR scheme for plastic recycling | Phase out the supply of plastic food tags for bread, bakery and dry pantry items, with a temporary exemption for plastic tags for produce until end 2029 |
The AFGC invites members to provide feedback on the proposed actions, including:
Please get in touch with Sarah Collier ( or Kristy Barber ( by 21 October to provide feedback.
The NSW EPA will be hosting an information session on Monday, 30 September, at 11:00 am to discuss the upcoming expiry of exemptions to the NSW single-use plastics bans. Members are encouraged to register for the webinar here.