21 February 2025
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) has released the proposed Design for Kerbside Recyclability Grading Framework. Consultation closes on 18th April 2025.
The proposed framework, developed by the independent National Packaging Design Standard Working Group, is intended to support a reformed regulatory scheme for packaging.
DCCEEW is seeking feedback on this framework to ensure it is robust and practical and avoids unintended consequences for the industry. DCCEEW have noted that the publication of the Framework does not presuppose a specific form of future reform, such as an EPR scheme or eco-modulated fees for packaging.
The AFGC is seeking input from members for our submission; key areas for consideration when providing input are as follows:
Please note all feedback provided by members will be de-identified to ensure confidentiality.
Thank you for your engagement on this important issue; AFGC requests that all member feedback be provided by Tuesday, 1 April 2025, to Sarah Collier, A/Director Sustainability, AFGC (