9 October 2024
The AFGC is seeking input from members for our submission and strongly encourages members to participate in the consultation process both through the AFGC and directly with the department.15
Watch recordingPasscode: @FgCP4ck
26 August 2024
Peter Robertson | Acting Assistant Director – Incident Response and Stakeholder Engagement team | Imported Food Section | Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
Conditions for food imported into Australia are regulated by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. All imported food intended for sale in Australia must be safe and meet Australia’s food standards. 15
Watch recordingPasscode: 1FISafg(
19 June 2024
John Walsh | Economist, Agricultural Forecasting and Policy, ABARES
Fred Litchfield | Economist, Agricultural Forecasting and Policy, ABARES
Considerable uncertainty exists over demand and supply of globally traded agriculture commodities leading to uncertainty regarding availability and prices. This is in turn driving inflationary pressures for food and beverage manufacturers.15
Watch recordingPasscode: @FgCc0m2
27 March 2024
Vanessa Matthijssen | Deloitte Australia Executive – Consumer Industry Lead | Deloitte
Paul Dobson | Deloitte Australia Partner – Climate and Sustainability | Deloitte
Join us in a webinar co-hosted by AFGC and Deloitte, where we’ll delve into the intricacies of proposed climate-related financial disclosure reporting requirements. Explore the details with us, as we provide a comprehensive breakdown of the implications and considerations for businesses. In collaboration with Deloitte, our aim is to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the evolving landscape of climate-related financial disclosure reporting effectively. This is an opportunity to stay informed, understand the nuances, and ensure your organisation is well-prepared for the future of sustainable business practices.15
Watch recordingPasscode: @FGcD3II
14 March 2024
Jasmine Rollan | Economist, Agricultural Forecasting and Policy, ABARES
Gabrielle Coulthard | Economist, Agricultural Forecasting and Policy, ABARES
Considerable uncertainty exists over demand and supply of globally traded agriculture commodities leading to uncertainty regarding availability and prices. This is in turn driving inflationary pressures for food and beverage manufacturers. Watch the webinar to hear from senior ABARES officials and understand the outlook on agriculture commodities and how it might impact your business. 15
Watch recordingPasscode: @FgCc0m1
28 February 2024
Consumers in Australia and globally are increasingly expecting manufacturers to be more transparent about how and where products are manufactured. Customers and regulators are also demanding enhanced traceability credentials from suppliers for market access, certification, and claims verification. In this session, you will hear from senior government officials, standards organisation and a solution provider. 15
Watch recordingPasscode: aFg(1fts
21 August 2020
David Gowans | Partner, Kearney
Kate Hart | Partner, Kearney
Peter David | Principal, Melbourne, Kearney
The AFGC and Kearney produced a webinar for members to discuss and display the functionality of the supply chain risk register tool, and to introduce the whitepaper with detailed commentary in relation to developing pivoting supply chains. 15
Watch recordingPasscode: Afgc-2020#